Cari Blog Ini

Selasa, 04 Desember 2018



Oftentimes we hear news of "hoax" in various mass media. Lately hoax have been heavily reported in the mass media because they have caused unrest in the community because of the false news inside.
Then what do you think about hoax? hoax are fake news that has been planned for distribution. So, hoax is a false news / notification that is not clear source and usually the contents are not properly used to deceive the reader into believing something that has not been proven by a planned spread and in today's era where information is easily obtained, making hoaxes increasingly spread among the public.
There are many types of hoaxes that we can find in the mass media, both on the internet and on social media that make us nervous. First, urban legend hoax which contains news about a terrible story of a place. Second, hoax chain messages about a false message if it does not spread it gets bad or curses. The characteristics of chain message hoax, namely there are the words "share this message" for example, "share with 10 of your friends, if not in 3 days bad things will happen to you". Third, the type of political hoax, which is the hoax we meet most often before the election.
In my opinion this hoax news is very detrimental to society. Hoax news that spreads in the community through social media or news portals, causes public unrest and distrust of the government. Hoax news can be spread quickly because the level of internet users in Indonesia is high. The culture of Indonesian people who are proud when they can shared the news first, whether the news is true or not, is also one of the reasons.

In my experience the most widely spread news about hoax is Facebook and WhatsApp. Spreading hoax news through whatsapp is effective because every day everyone will definitely read the message on WhatsApp.

The government must begin to seriously handle  the spread of this hoax news. The revision of the UU ITE, which has just taken effect, can actually be a legal basis for trapping not only hoax news makers, but also those who spread it. But this criminal threat is less efficient because the spread of hoax news has been very massive and carried out by almost all internet users.
I strongly agree with the government's efforts in handling cases sharing this hoax news. But hoax news will not spread if we are aware and understand the dangers that arise if we spread this hoax news. Therefore, keep wisely using the internet. Do not easily believe all the news or news that is read. Re-examine the truth of the news by comparing, among other things, and do not spread the word refills that are not true.

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